Tuesday, February 10, 2009

True story, i promise X1000 sands in the seas

Once in awhile, in the land of the smoogu smoogu's, there comes a time when all of the little smoogu's become grown up and forced out in to the harsh umoogu land. The umoogu land is full of dangerous monstrosities, however it also has delicious candies thus making this moment for the young smoogu's bitter sweet, or dangerous sweet, whichever one you like. So these smoogu's go about doing grown up things, but this one time their was a rebellion. T'was a rebellion of one. This one smoogu who did not want to grown up was named moogu. He was very a silly, yet determined smoogu he was. Now, moogu decided to leave the land of umoogu to find something...different. He left immediately and found himself discovering new candies almost around every corner! There were pidoodles, yumiyats, goppiddeegoos, jimmineegoos, googlegoos, and snickers! Oh WHAT JOY!
This vacation of candy was short lived however, because around the next corner moogu found himself face to face with an ugooms! His eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth dropped in disbelief. Of something he had heard so much of, he still couldn't believe his eyes. Moogu even started to drool. As the ugooms saw this, it laughed, so moogu drooled some more, but this time the ugooms was grossed out to the max. Too far moogu, too far. Another question that got raised in the head of smoogu was "Why is this ugooms all the way here in candy smandy when they are supposed to live ALL the way over in ugooms ugooms?" The ugooms, who can obviously read thoughts, said "I am here in candy smandy because I wanted to see the world, and I am a girl." The latter part of that statement confused moogu as to why she said that... obviously she is a girl, I mean, come on. So it was at that exact moment that moogu fell in love. It was just they way he imagined it. The ugooms, who moogu will later in life find out that her name is ugoom, then asked moogu if he wanted to share this delicious pinineenooner? Moogu said yes because that is what you do when you are in love, and then they shared the delicious pinineenooner. THEN, Moogu was closing his eyes for a second because he had to sneeze, but after he opened them the ugooms was gone-zo! In moogu's left hand, where the pinineenooner used to be, was found a note from the ugooms. Moogu read it and cheered for joy! It was a note, asking him to a dance. He didn't know what dancing was, but he would say yes, because because because because becaaaaaaaause, because of the wonderful things he does.. na na na na na na naaaaa. Moogu began to dance and dance and dance, like he new how to all along! And when he finally tracked down the ugooms, he yelled "YES I WILL GO TO THE DANCE WITH YOU!!!". They both smiled, and The End.

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